East Tennessee is filled with a grand biodiversity of plants and animals. Naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales has written three books and over 600 newspaper and magazine articles about nature and natural history.
Join us on Thursday, December 1, at 7 p.m. EST via Zoom for the First Thursday Nature Supper Club as Stephen shares his favorite stories about some unique and unexpected plants and animals.
Osage orange, freshwater jellyfish, rufous hummingbirds, paw paws, 17-year cicadas, red pandas, and the return of smoky madtoms, bald eagles and wild turkeys are a few of the interesting stories Stephen Lyn has written about in the past 30 years and will share with us. You provide your own stay-at-home supper, and we provide the nature as Stephen Lyn teaches us about these fascinating creatures and plants.
The program is free and closed captioning is available, but registration is required to receive your Zoom link and the recording. Register at www.utarboretumsociety.org. Please contact UT Arboretum Education Coordinator, Michelle Campanis, at mcampani@utk.edu with any questions or registration issues.
To contact Stephen Lyn Bales or buy one of his UT Press books, email him at hellostephenlyn@gmail.com
Melanie Staten is a public relations consultant with her husband, Vince.