Worthy show

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

Determined to find wildflowers to observe and to paint, our group trudged into the forest and were lucky to find a healthy crop. They were beautiful! I was thrilled.

Sneaky and slow growing, Lady Slippers are showy. These were growing in a shady area upon mossy rocks. A sub genus of the orchid family, slipper shape blooms can be pink, yellow or white.

Native American folklore tells of a young maiden who ran barefoot in the snow in search of medicine to save her tribe but was found collapsed on the way back from her mission with swollen, frozen feet. Beautiful lady slipper flowers then grew where her feet had been as a reminder of her bravery.

If you are lucky enough to view them, please admire them only with your eyes. They are protected and take 10 years to bloom. Be careful not to trample and it’s an unspoken rule not to speak of their location. So many rules, but so worth it.

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street where you can stop and see their work. Their website is www.ChristopherRobinArts.com. All works are copyright protected.


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