Andrew Edens posted that somebody keeps stealing this sign. “I even screwed it to my fence this time. Anyone know who would do such a thing?” His neighbors responded with offers to buy a similar sign for their yard. Could be the start of something big in Rocky Hill.

Pickleball tournament: The West Hills Elementary School Wolfpack Foundation is sponsoring a pickleball tournament that will be held at the West Hills neighborhood courts on November 5. Registration is $50 per team with women’s, men’s and mixed doubles available. This information was posted by Elizabeth Evola, WHCA Parks Committee Co-chair and President WHES Wolfpack Foundation.

Burrrr: West Hills Elementary students have formed a drama club, directed by William Bennet. The Wolfpack Company will present Frozen on December 8 and 9 at 6 p.m., and December 10 at 2 p.m. The Company is composed of kids in grades 3-5.

Got an event? Text contact info to 865-661-8777. No charge. It’s what we do.