Did you get out in one of our recent snows to play? I did, every time. Like the runner sleds or ice skates of my youth, a camera has become my toy of choice when the somewhat rare East Tennessee snow flies.
Whether to ski or to photograph, the snow draws me to the mountains. On this day an errand took me to Sevier County, and my camera took me to Greenbrier Road. I like the way the winding road draws one into this snowy scene and the yellow caution sign hints of something interesting just around the bend.
Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street where you can stop and see their work. Their website is www.ChristopherRobinArts.com. All works are copyright protected.