You will find answers in the forest.

Trees, solid and strong, can give comfort. Gnarled and twisted, they offer wisdom.

Tennessee is predominantly trees with 52% of our landmass covered in trees. Many have been around since our great grandparents, watching silently and having all the answers.

Not one to run low on painting inspiration, I can always turn to the woodlands that surround me. Seasonal colors as well as shadows and light are keen to keep painting subjects fresh. I am eager for the new greens in March then the flowering trees in summer. Just as I’m hitting “green fatigue” in August, the air gets a bit cooler, and color starts to creep into the leaves.

The colors of the bark, textures and long shadows caught my attention as I painted on site trying to capture mystery and answers all at once. We truly have the best landscapes here! Take a peek every day.

The true meaning of life is to plant trees; under whose shade you do not expect to sit.

~Nelson Henderson

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street where you can stop and see their work. Their website is All works are copyright protected.