Patients transitioning to home from rehab now have a newly appointed apartment to practice independent living.

Clayton Supply, a division of Clayton Homes, joined the Fort Sanders Foundation to equip the transition apartment with new furnishings, including a new kitchen and bath. The refurbished facility was introduced today at an open house at the Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center.

Tonya Stoutt-Brown demonstrates the adjustable pantry shelving. Patients with limited hand function can prepare a meal.

The specially equipped and fully accessible apartment is the only one of its kind among rehabilitation facilities in the area, according to Fort Sanders Regional marketing manager Valerie Somerville.

“It is used to ease the transition back to everyday life following serious injury or stroke,” she said. “Patients learn to cook, clean and relax in a real-world environment before being discharged from Patricia Neal Center.

Originally built in 1978, the apartment was last renovated more than 20 years ago.

Colt Davis is president of Clayton Supply.

Colt Davis, president of Clayton Supply, said his company was excited to participate in the mission of Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center. “The project gave us the opportunity to bring what we’re good at.”

Dr. Mary Dillon, medical director of PNRC, said patients actually live in the apartment for two to three days before their release. With medical personnel close by, the patients can transition to independent living. A spouse is welcome to live with the patient in the apartment.