Pellissippi State can help students of all ages start, stay and finish strong. Tennessee Reconnect is now open to those 23 and older who have not completed a college degree.

People who are 23 years old are now eligible for the Tennessee Reconnect scholarship if they have not previously earned a college degree. This is regardless of their dependency status on federal income tax forms.

Similar to Tennessee Promise for college freshmen who are coming straight to higher education from high school, Tennessee Reconnect is a last-dollar scholarship that covers tuition for adult learners after all state and federal financial aid has been applied.

“This is wonderful news for our students,” said Leigh Anne Touzeau, assistant vice president for enrollment services at Pellissippi State Community College. “Now students who are eager to get started back don’t have to wait until they are 24 – they can get started a whole year sooner.”

The age change from 24 to 23 years old was part of the HOPE Expansion Bill signed by Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee on June 1. The bill also increases the amount students at two-year institutions receive from the HOPE scholarship to $1,600 per semester.

Lee also signed House Bill 2436/Senate Bill 2631 into law June 1, allowing students who graduate from high school early to be eligible for Tennessee Promise.

The deadline to apply to Pellissippi State for fall 2022 is Aug. 9. Students who already have applied and been accepted should register now to get the classes they need to move forward on their educational path. Aug. 15 is the deadline for students to confirm their schedules in myPellissippi and pay their fees. Fall classes start Aug. 22.

Lesli Bales-Sherrod does marketing and writing for Pellissippi State Community College.