Traveling down Maynardville Pike, you see a snowflake decorating the highway. The Halls Crossroads Women’s League just placed 47 snowflakes along the road. In November, they honored the Halls veterans in the downtown Veterans Day Parade.
Although 2024 is coming to an end, The Halls Crossroads Women’s League recently sent a review of their 2023 accomplishments, which should be heralded as impressive and shared with their neighbors.
An active membership of 90 plus visionaries accomplished many varied projects in 2023.
- The Preservation Committee continued to work on collecting information for a History of Halls Crossroads book researched and written by members of the league: to be published in 2024.
- Initiated and supported the Halls Crossroads Museum, a non-profit organization, to preserve historical artifacts and provide information on the history of Halls Crossroads community. A contribution of $2,000 was made to support the museum that opened in 2024:
- The League accepted ownership and maintenance of the Thomas Hall Cemetery.
- Farmers Market was held May through October for local farmers and vendors. Market grew from 12 vendors to 65 by final week
- The Little Free Library was maintained and stocked by members.
- Volunteer hours were accrued at the Sacred Ground Hospice Home. A donation of $2,000 was made for expendable products.
- Forty-seven snowflakes were placed along Maynardville Highway and annual tree lighting in Clayton Park was continued.
- Donation of toys and contribution of $500 to Halls Welfare Committee to provide Christmas to boys and girls of the community.
- Annual Veterans Day celebration hosted 53 veterans and their families along with league members for lunch at Salem Baptist Church. The parents and grandparents of Ryan Knauss were honored.
The league contributed to local schools and youth:
- An annual art contest is sponsored by the League to recognize talented Halls Middle and High school students for their art work. Monetary prizes were gifted.
- The ROZ Halls High group for girls was supported through league donation of $1,350.
- The league awarded two $2000 scholarships to deserving high school senior girls.
- A donation of $2,000 was made to choral department of Halls High School.
- A donation of $500 was made to Boys and Girls Club.
- A donation of $500 was made to the Halls High wrestling team in honor of their state championship
Other contributions of $500 each were made:
- Dogwood Arts Festival
- Honor Air
- Family Promise
In order to raise funds for the League to support these projects, the following fund-raisers were held:
- Annual golf tournament at Beaver Brook Country Club 67
- The annual rummage sale
- The annual Chili Chowdown with donations of chili and desserts from league members.
This list may have been generated from 2023 accomplishments, but only because 2024 has been busier than ever! Watch for those updates, too.
Interested in more information, contact Halls Crossroads Women’s League.