Seven Islands State Birding Park is offering two get up and at’em hikes on Saturday morning, April 24.

The first is a Sunrise Hike at 7 a.m. The cost is $5. Join Park Ranger Nate for a short, moderate hike up Hickory Ridge Trail where will greet the sun coming over the mountains and discuss wildlife and birding.

The other is Birding with Friends at 7:30 a.m. This event is free. A birding guide will lead an early morning birding hike, identifying by sight and sound some of the 200 species of birds spotted at the park. Terrain level to rolling. Bring water, field guides, and binoculars.

For more info or to register for either of these hikes go here or call 715-630-6848.

Go to to find other outdoor activities in the area. Submit your event to the calendar here.

Carol Evans is executive director of Legacy Parks Foundation.