Ten or so years ago, I learned about the Icelandic tradition of Jólabókaflóðið that translates to “the Christmas book flood” in English. Now my family looks forward to gifting and receiving new books each Christmas Eve. Since we are a family of readers, it can be daunting to choose a book for a voracious or picky reader. (Me. I am that reader.)

During World War II, currency and many traditional Christmas gifts were limited around the world and especially in the remote country of Iceland. Paper goods were not as rationed in the country in 1944, so books were the most available gift. Jolabokaflod was born. Eighty years later, Icelanders still exchange and read new books while drinking a hot beverage on Christmas Eve.

2024 Jolabokaflod stack

We have created our own traditions during the holidays, and our Christmas Eve ones are precious to me despite some of the good-natured moaning and groaning about one particular present they open. What might that one be? The matching family pajamas. After we have changed into those, we celebrate our own version of Jolabokaflod. We enjoy cups of our favorite hot chocolate (Cocoa Classics Chocolate Supreme Instant Hot Cocoa Mix) while opening books from one another. Sometimes we scour one another’s Goodreads for the perfect book, but most often, we surprise one another with our choices.

My son texted me the morning after Christmas to discuss the one he had chosen to read, and my daughter finished one of her books that afternoon. I chose to start with Stanley Tucci’s What I Ate in One Year, and it is one I want to take my time reading while highlighting passages to remember.

Do you practice Jolabokaflod or gift and receive books during the holidays? Please share your traditions and new books with me.

Borrow books at Knox County Online Library or purchase them at your local independent bookstore each week.

Linda Sullivan is an avid reader and wants to make you one, too. For more recommendations or just to talk books, reach out to her at thebookwhisperertn@gmail.com. She can also be found @thebookwhisperertn on Instagram.