Happy New Year to you, and hello, 2025! January is a time to start fresh and set intentions for the coming year. Why not add reading goals to your list of resolutions that may include exercising more and eating better?

Reading is an essential part of my life, so it is no surprise I set a few goals each year. Setting a reading resolution has the potential to make 2025 your best reading year yet, as well as be the one resolution you actually keep!

Here are goals to consider:

Set a number goal. The number does not matter as much as being accountable to yourself and your goal to read throughout the year. Twelve is a great number. Commit to reading one book each month.

Start a reading journal. Track your reviews and favorite quotes in a reading journal. In December, it is likely you will not remember why you loved a book you read in January. Reading journals are easy to find and purchase on Etsy or in a bookstore. Use a spiral notebook. Create a spreadsheet. Goodreads, co and StoryGraph apps make reviewing and tracking easy. Experiment to find what feels natural and not like another chore.

Read outside your favorite genre. We all have a favorite. Intentionally choose another genre. Branch out this year. Choose at least two non-fiction books if you only read fiction and vice versa.

Read with your eyes and your ears. If you only read physical books, make a commitment to read an e-book or listen to one audiobook this year. Begin with something short in the new medium.

Create a reading ritual. Make time in the morning, at lunchtime or before bedtime to read one chapter or for a set time limit. Download an audiobook to listen to on your daily walk. A reading ritual becomes an act of self-care.

Visit your local library branch and apply for a library card. Libraries offer access to a wide range of books, and they are free to use. That is magical! Check out new hardbacks and well-loved paperbacks. Sign up to use your library’s digital system to access e-books and audiobooks. Let me remind you again: these are free!

What are your reading goals for 2025? Share them in the comments.

Look for books at Knox County Online Library or your local independent bookstore each week.

Linda Sullivan is an avid reader and wants to make you one, too. For more recommendations or just to talk books, reach out to her at thebookwhisperertn@gmail.com. She can also be found @thebookwhisperertn on Instagram.