Jim VanderSteeg, president and CEO of Covenant Health, shared important information in his Thanksgiving message to the community. You can read it in full here.
I’d like to highlight these points:
- Covid-19 has been a 20-month crisis with continuing challenges.
- Covenant Health employees “stepped up to meet these challenges, even when doing so involved personal risk and sacrifice.”
- Covenant Health has administered more than 60,000 Covid-19 vaccinations at over 250 vaccine clinics in the health system’s 23-county service area.
- Covenant Health serves more than two million patients annually.
- Despite the pandemic, “Covenant Health is moving forward with projects such as a new behavioral hospital, a new rehabilitation hospital and new outpatient centers.”
Every business faced unique challenges during the pandemic, but the area’s healthcare providers could not shut down for a week or a month, could not look away. These front-line caregivers — from young parents with kids at home to mid-life adults taking care of elderly parents — put themselves and their families at risk to serve their patients.
And the hospitals have spoken with one voice during the crisis, collaborating to ensure the community’s resources are used efficiently. Thanksgiving is one day each year. We should thank our healthcare providers every day.
Sandra Clark is editor/CEO of Knox TN Today.