Knox County Schools leaders will be in Powell 6-8 p.m. today (Jan. 22) at Powell Middle School, 3329 W. Emory Road, to get community feedback on its next strategic plan. It is one of nine meetings – one in each school board district – set for January and February. Residents can attend any meeting.
This is your chance to talk. Here are my topics:
Testing: Too much, too little?
Physical education/recess: Too much, too little?
The arts: Time/money spent for art, music, drama. Too much, too little?
Wages: For teachers, staff, administrators. Too much, too little?
Leadership: Community input in principal selection. Explanation when administrators are suspended/replaced. Too much, too little?
Capital budget: Portable buildings across the district while KCS spends $64 million to build two middle schools while current middle schools are under-capacity.
Leadership Academy: Do you support spending $900,000 annually to send 8-10 people to the UT Leadership Academy headed by former Superintendent Jim McIntyre? Do you support participation at zero cost to Knox County Schools by sending assistant principals already on staff?
See you there!