Jubilee Community Arts presents Sparky and Rhonda Rucker on Friday, April 26, 2024, 8 p.m. at the Laurel Theater, 1538 Laurel Avenue, Knoxville.

Sparky Rucker is a banjoist, guitarist and storyteller performing traditional African-American blues and folk repertoires from Civil War days to the present. He has been performing over 50 years and is internationally recognized as a leading folklorist, musician, historian, storyteller and author.

He is joined by Rhonda Rucker on blues harp, piano and guitar. Rucker is a musician, children’s author, storyteller and songwriter. Her blues-style harmonica, piano, old-time banjo and bones add musical versatility to their performances.

The Ruckers use their music and stories to develop educational programs that cover over three centuries of African-American history, including slavery, the Underground Railroad, the Civil War, the birth of blues music and the civil rights movement.

Tickets available at Sparky and Rucker, by mail or at the door 30 minutes prior to show: $20 at the door, $15 general audience advance, $14 JCA members, students & seniors 65+.

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