Shady Methodist. Not a denominational slur but rather a descriptive term. This work was painted en Plein air in the shade of the Cade’s Cove Methodist Church. If it could, the 1902 white frame church would have many stories to tell and songs to sing.

Painting from the cemetery at the back of the church I enjoyed the early spring day. The shadows of the tombstones were intriguing. While working I was treated to softly playing old time gospel music coming from the church. Fully immersed in the day I eventually discovered there was no group singing or audio playing inside the church.

Creepy? No, it was just the icing on the day. A spiritual experience.

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week strive to share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville where you can stop and see their work. Check ahead to see when they will be there, as they may be off looking for more inspiration. Their website is Email them at If a particular piece interests you for your home or office, please contact them. All works are copyright protected.