Dr. Robert Angel, principal of Mount Olive Elementary

When you search Mount Olive Elementary School on the internet, it is listed in the top 30% of all schools in Tennessee for overall test scores, serving about 200 students in grades pre-K through 5.

We all know there is more to a school than test scores and numbers of students, so I asked Dr. Robert Angel, principal, for his viewpoint on Mount Olive Elementary.

A school is usually a reflection of the principal but in the case of Dr. Angel and Mount Olive, I think it is just an excellent match since he has a profound passion for education and Mount Olive Elementary has a history for its commitment to excellence and nurturing students in their elementary years.

Angel says, “I feel that education is the most rewarding job anyone could do. At Mount Olive Elementary, I have found a special place that resonates with my profound love for education. I believe that education is the key to unlocking potential and inspiring students to reach their fullest capabilities. I am deeply committed to creating an environment at Mount Olive where every child can thrive, discover their passions, and develop the skills they need to succeed in life.”

He also says the staff and community at Mount Olive have an unwavering commitment to student success, an enduring spirit of collaboration and a continuous pursuit of excellence.

These are the details behind the results we find on the internet.

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