KnoxTNToday has learned of a proposed mixed-use development in Farragut that could provide an economic boost for the town. As an added benefit it would eliminate an existing structure that has become an eyesore to residents, the long-abandoned shell of a former Kroger supermarket on Kingston Pike.

The 65-acre development’s retail stores would include a 20,000 square foot anchor bordered by an additional 10,000 square feet of shops, according to a preliminary development sketch. A street separates the anchor and its smaller companions from two 10,000 square feet retail establishments, possibly automotive related.

Four 4,000 square feet buildings slotted as business offices are located slightly north of the anchor. Three 2,500 square feet buildings with courtyard space stand adjacent to Kingston Pike. A planned bank is also part of the proposal.

Curving south of the anchor is a stretch of about 300 multi-family units. The town’s history with proposals for apartments has not always been welcoming, but attitudes may be changing. One source noted a need for apartments in the community.

Retail sales across the nation grew by more than three percent in the 12 months that ended in June of this year. The result continued a trend that has maintained a steady pace for several years. Disposable income is up, and consumers are disposing of it, so a favorable climate for retail development is in place.

Those closest to the proposed development are maintaining a wary silence; this local online news source will keep its feelers out for you.

Send questions or comments to Larry Van Guilder at