Knoxville Children’s Theatre will present “The Tale of Peter Rabbit,” the classic Beatrix Potter story but retold in a unique and timely fashion. Originally set to open on April 3, the play was interrupted by the intrusion of Covid-19.

Now director Geoffrey Scheer leads the cast in a retelling that acknowledges the reality of current health and safety recommendations and embraces them. Scheer re-envisioned his staging to include safety precautions; the actors wear masks and maintain distancing in a presentational style that brings this delightful story into a modern focus making it both a heartwarming and a poignant tale of our times, said managing director Sien Moon.

The play will be performed June 12-28, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 1 and 5 p.m., and Sundays at 3 and 6 p.m. Tickets will be limited to 50 attendees for each performance and groups/families will be distanced from each other.

Peter is famous as the clever and daring rabbit who succeeds in invading mean Farmer McGregor’s cabbage patch in spite of traps, scarecrows and other dangers. His sisters Flopsy and Mopsy, their friend Squirrel Nutkin and Cawdy the Crow all share his adventures.

The play is performed by 14 actors, from ages 8 to 17. Patrick Harrison plays the title role of Peter Rabbit and Ambrose Shelton plays Farmer McGregor.

Delana Pritchard portrays Mopsy and Julia Lance plays Flopsy, while Cawdy is played by Lily Segars and Nutkin is portrayed by Millie Braude. The rest of the cast features Mara Kate Barker, McKenna DeLong, Luke Henley, Lena Kennedy, Janie Long, Levi Payne, Ally Summie, and Adi Wormsley.

Alex Montgomery provides the scenic design with Rebecca Perretta as scenic assistant. Sydney Allen provides the lighting design with Lydia Baxter as her assistant. KCT veteran Bella Patterson and Pressley Rule will design and build the costumes with assistance from Conard Belitz and Lauren Norton. The properties master for the production is Nico Ellerbusch and the play’s stage manager is Eric Magee.

KCT, at 109 E. Churchwell Ave., is East Tennessee’s leading producer of plays for children and families. Tickets are available here.