During its annual convention, the Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA) presented the 2024 Award for Excellence in Education to Oak Ridge High School’s “Wildcat Manufacturing” program. The statewide award is presented annually to a board of education that has an innovative and successful program operating within its district, and this is the second time Oak Ridge Schools has earned the award in five years.

Wildcat Manufacturing is a year-long capstone course that functions as a student-run, work-based learning (WBL) small business offering advanced design, manufacturing and automation services for local businesses, organizations and individuals. Students undergo interviews to become “employees” of Wildcat Manufacturing and oversee all aspects of the business including customer discovery, ideation, product design, cost estimation, planning, project management, manufacturing, delivery and billing while earning college credit as a Dual Enrollment course with Roane State.

“The Wildcat Manufacturing course is a testament to the vision of Dr. Mark Buckner, iSchool founder and teacher of Wildcat Manufacturing, and Dr. Holly Cross, college career and technical education (CCTE) supervisor,” said Dr. Bruce Borchers, superintendent of Oak Ridge Schools. This is a first-class program, and I’m proud to have them recognized for their efforts in this way.”

In 2022, during the program’s first year, Wildcat Manufacturing contracted with a single company and produced $330 revenue. Over the next two years, Wildcat Manufacturing students have executed 26 contracts with 18 companies across the community, generating a staggering $37,200 in revenue, with more companies and community organizations seeking out their services every week.

Information and quotes provided by the TSBA.