Halloween in the Hills: The Sterchi Hills Homeowners Association sponsored this trick-or-treat event on Monday, starting at 5 p.m. Amy Huettel posted: “How many did everyone have? We gave out 1,200 pieces. I’m thinking we had about 650 kids. What a fun night!!”

Ronnie Collins posted: Community Clothes Closet, 3305 Alice Bell Road, Saturday, Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Each family member can fill one bag with clothes. All clothes given are free. Info: 865-522-0136.

Kiwanis Club of Northside Knoxville meets every Wednesday noon-1 p.m. at The Foundry, 747 World’s Fair Park Drive. Info: here.

Got an upcoming event? Give a call or text to 865-661-8777.