Lavender refill

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

Last week, my painting friends were treated to a beautiful day at a local lavender farm. The air was clear, the grass green and the views spectacular! Therefore, the paint brushes were strumming as lavender fragrance accompanied at a relaxed pace.

Lavender is an anxiolytic, mood lifter and improves insomnia. A day outdoors will do the same. It was a magical time. Moods were good and well-earned sleep came easily at the end of the day.

Southern Oak Lavender Farm is in Mascot, Tennessee, and is also selling a variety of items at Knoxville Farmers Market.

If it’s time to refill your good mood, pay a visit.

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street where you can stop and see their work. Their website is All works are copyright protected.


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