Zoo Knoxville is heartbroken to announce the passing of Kowali, a cherished western lowland gorilla who passed away peacefully at the age of 47.
Kowali, a mother of four and a beloved member of the Zoo Knoxville family since 2013, touched the hearts of visitors and staff alike. Born on January 9, 1978, at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, Illinois, Kowali’s remarkable journey took her to Riverbanks Zoo in South Carolina and back to Lincoln Park Zoo before she found her forever home in Knoxville. Known for her gentle demeanor and distinctive personality, Kowali became an integral part of Zoo Knoxville’s gorilla troop.
Veterinary staff routinely monitor the health of the animals at Zoo Knoxville. When zoo staff noticed a change in Kowali they contacted vet staff for additional examination. “We performed an ultrasound and heart echocardiogram which revealed signs of heart failure,” said Dr. Andrew Cushing, UTCVM clinical associate professor and specialist in zoological medicine. “We can manage her condition with medication, but the heart disease we found is irreversible.”
“Kowali’s life helped raise awareness about the urgent threats facing western lowland gorillas,” said Zoo Knoxville CEO and president Bill Street. “She was deeply cherished by our staff, and her passing fills us with both sorrow and immense gratitude for the privilege of spending the last 11 years with her.”
Habitat loss, poaching and disease are major factors that contribute to the critically endangered status of western lowland gorillas. Kowali’s story underscored the vital role of modern zoos in preserving these majestic creatures for future generations. Through her life, Kowali became an ambassador for her species, helping to educate visitors about the challenges facing wildlife and the importance of conservation efforts.
Information and quotes provided by J. J Jones: jjones@zooknoxville.org