I try to stick to a budget, but my food budget says, “nice try!” I recently itemized the cost of a basic home-cooked soup and salad meal and was shocked to realize the actual cost. When Knoxville SOUP, Dara’s Garden and Rothchild advertised a soup and salad meal for a $5 donation, I knew something special was going to happen.

Indeed special, Knoxville SOUP is supporting one of four worthy causes tomorrow, May 17, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Dara’s Garden, 2637 Maryville Pike. EventCheck for Knoxville SOUP

Doors opening at 5:30 p.m., then at 6 p.m., four preselected individuals or groups will present an idea or project they would like to carry out. Proposals can be for anything that will benefit the community or society in general. This week’s selected presenters will be SPARK, CEIS (Center for English and Integration Services), K-TESST (Knoxville-Tennessee Environmental Soil and Stream Testing), and Library of Infinite Outcomes. Each presenter has four minutes to inform, impassion and inspire the audience. They then have four minutes to answer questions from the audience. There are no hard and fast rules to what a proposal should be, only that someone envisions it, asks for it and the diners vote for it.

After all presentations, diners will have time to eat, share and connect with others while voting for their preferred project. About 7:45, the votes will be tallied and the winning project will be awarded the “pot” of donations raised at the door. Winners are asked to return to a subsequent dinner and share the success of their project with Knoxville SOUP attendees.  I am looking forward to seeing what is chosen to support our community from the presentations.

All of us have a story and I want to tell yours! Send them to susan@knoxtntoday.com