Kristi M. Davis

Kristi M. Davis has been appointed to the Tennessee Court of Appeals, Eastern Grand Division, to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Charles D. Susano Jr.

Davis has served as Knox County Circuit Court Judge since 2014 and served as presiding judge for the Sixth Judicial District in 2018-2019. Prior to 2014, she was an attorney for Hodges, Doughty & Carson PLLC and clerked for Judge Joseph M. Tipton on the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals. Davis earned her J.D. from the University of Tennessee College of Law magna cum laude and her bachelor’s degree from UT cum laude.

Dan Kennedy asks: Does Twitter Need Trump? Dan’s answer: Not so much.

Peggy Noonan says Americans won’t like contact tracing and it’s because of who we are: We are the heirs of geniuses, of religious visionaries and visionaries of self-government. We also come from people who fled, from rascals and renegades. We came from the nobleman who got the girl in trouble and hopped the next ship. We come from idealists who wanted to bring Catholicism to the Indians. We came from people who couldn’t make “back home” work, impoverished farm girls and boys, people with nothing to lose. We come from people who were oppressed culturally, economically or by their governments. We come from the restless. … There’s something displaced in us, and uneasy. Something violent, too. We fled cartels. We don’t want people following us. … We came from the enslaved, dragged out of Africa. We came from people being pushed around, and mistrust of authority is in our DNA.