This from Knox County Commissioner Larsen Jay: Great crowd this morning (3/2/23) to officially open Phase 3 of the Northshore Greenway Safety Project. The boardwalk is open and neighbors will no longer have to play “Frogger” across dangerous Northshore Drive just to access their parks.

Thanks go out to Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs for his unwavering support, Knox County Engineering & Public Works, Knox County Parks & Rec, Appalachian Mountain Bike Club, Legacy Parks Foundation, District 5 Commissioner John Schoonmaker, and Tennessee Valley Authority for their cooperation and hard work to make today a reality.

Now onto Phase 4!

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Now let’s look at some area events ahead:

Monday, March 6

Full Moon Walk: 6:30 p.m., Seven Islands State Birding Park. Cost $10. Info: Seven Islands State Birding Park at 715-630-6848. March full moon is known as the Worm Moon because it signals the time when the ground begins to warm, and earthworms appear bringing the return of many migrating birds that feed on the worms. Join us for a 2-mile walk to discuss nocturnal animals, including owls, insects and bats. Bring flashlights, red or other colored lights preferred. Register online.

Tuesday, March 7

SlowKno Tuesday Run: 6:30 p.m., Suttree Landing Park. Free. Info: Slowkno Running Club. Weekly runs and training exercises. All levels. Park has lights. Join group on Facebook for updates.

 Wednesday, March 8

 KTOS Monthly Meeting: 7 p.m., UT Gardens South Greenhouse, Room 124. Free. Info: Knoxville Chapter TN Ornithological Society. Meetings held first Wednesday of the month. All visitors welcome. Details on our website.

Thursday, March 9

Trail Fun Run: 6:30 p.m., Meads Quarry. Free. Info: 865 Running. Join us every Thursday, weather permitting! We’ll have short and middle range options available. Alliance will have $1 off pints after the run for participants.

Friday, March 10

Downtown Fun Run: 6:30 p.m., Pour Taproom. Free. Info: 865 Running. Join us every Friday for a 3-mile social run through downtown, World’s Fair Park, and the river walk. Afterwards drinks with 10% off. All levels.

Saturday, March 11

Weed Wrangle: 9:30-noon, Collier Preserve. Info: Legacy Parks Foundation at 865-525-2585. This event is part of a national volunteer effort to help rescue public parks and green spaces from invasive species by removing harmful trees, vines and flowering plants. Park across the street from the park at Powell United Methodist Church. Tools and gloves provided. Bring water. Register online.

A Not So Hasty Hike for Kids of All Ages: 10 a.m. Must pre-register with Jerry Thornton at for meeting time and location. Free. Info: Harvey Broom Sierra Club. Join us for a slow walk-about designed for kids to explore some of the Urban Wilderness in a scavenger hunt. We may seine a small creek for aquatic critters and explore under rocks, logs, and leaves to see what we can find. Details online.

Spring Cleaning: 10 a.m., Big Ridge State Park. Info: Big Ridge State Park at 865-992-5523. We’ll focus on the Blue Mud Boat Ramp area. Details online.

Sunday, March 12

Barley’s St. Patrick’s Day 5K &10K: 2 p.m., Barley’s Pizzaria. Info: Personal Best Racing at 865-567-0358. Join us for the 10th anniversary of the best St. Patrick’s Day 5K and 10K. Afterwards, enjoy all you can eat pizza buffet provided by Barley’s and two beers (must be 21+ to drink). All proceeds go directly to Emily’s Power for A Cure. Register online.

Visit us online at

Add your event to our calendar: Submit an Event here

Carol Evans is executive director of Legacy Parks Foundation.