It’s summer and the reading is easy! 

Mary Pom ClaiborneOur Town Readers

Summer at the library is probably my favorite time. It’s fun to see families coming in and out of the libraries with big smiles, piles of books and crafts in hand.

We’re known for our summer reading programs, but that may sound a little bit like doing chores for kids (and adults) who think reading is just a requirement for school. The truth is people become readers when they get to choose books they are most interested in. Fantasy and sci-fi, biographies of rappers or sports heroes and graphic novels – there are no required reading lists or “ought to” books. It’s just a great time to explore the collections and sample books until the right fit comes along.

This summer, we’ve gamified the reading program in a Quest for Knowledge that consists of literary missions that include crafting, listening, playing and, of course, reading. For every five missions completed, you “level up” and get a trip to the Loot Box. Complete all 25 missions, and you’ll earn a Rewards Book worth $125 of eats and treats. To get started, just drop by any library location to pick up a gameboard.

Librarian Elizabeth Nelson with unnamed library patron at the Fountain City Library

To sweeten the deal and keep readers coming back often, the Summer Library Adventure has hundreds of epic programs. This week alone we’re showing off owls from the Owl Ridge Raptor Center at Karns, all kinds of big, cool trucks at Burlington and crafting along with the book, My Father’s Dragon with Miss Libby at Fountain City. And next week, you won’t want to miss National Geographic photographer and explorer, Stephen Alvarez talking about his big adventures shooting caves all over the world.

Thanks to generous support from the Friends of the Library, we are offering these featured programs as well. We hope to see you at the library!

Mary Pom Claiborne is assistant director for marketing, communications and development for Knox County Public Library


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