Honey Badger gets the extraordinary sunset

Thomas Mabry - Honey Badger ImagesOur Town Arts

Honey Badger had the opportunity to join with some of the most talented photographers in the Southern Appalachians this past weekend. The venue was Grandfather Mountain and the event was the Nature Photography Weekend.

One of the perks of attending is the opportunity to photograph the historic Mile High Swinging Bridge at sunrise and sunset.

Famous people like Johnny Cash, Charles Kuwait, Elizabeth Dole and Billy Graham have visited, performed and preached at the mountain. Even Forrest Gump ran up the winding road to the summit.

Most photographers including yours truly dreamed of getting that perfect sunset shot of the Bridge and Calloway Peak in the background. That’s been done, and this year it was time to try another perspective.

The Catawba rhododendron were blooming on the south side of Linville Peak and if you scrambled, a perch with a southerly view of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Grandmother Mountain and the Linville Gorge awaited. Badger turned away from the famous view to the uncertain one and was richly rewarded with my finest sunset photo of the year 2024.

At times, taking a “walk on the wild side” can be extraordinarily beneficial for this uncommon imagery.

Thomas Mabry – Honey Badger Images

Many of the HoneyBadgerImages are on display at instagram.com/honeybadgerimages.


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