Is your church committee looking for ways to cut heating and cooling costs each month? Does your church mission need additional funds? What could your nonprofit do with extra dollars each year? You are welcome to explore the possibilities at a free energy efficiency workshop this summer hosted by Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light.

“Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light hopes to help our local houses of worship reduce their carbon footprint, save on their utility bills and take advantage of some of the new federal funds that will be available for only a limited time,” said Courtney Shea with Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light. “We are fortunate that some excellent professionals contributing to this workshop with practical steps for getting started.”

The workshop is planned for Saturday, August 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The host location is New Hope Missionary Baptist Church at 2504 Cecil Avenue in Knoxville.

Presentations or tabling on reading your utility bill, energy efficiency, evaluating your energy usage, considering renewables like solar and financial resources are all planned. Speakers include Rick Held, Don Horton, Jennifer Alldredge, Bruce Glanville and Anne Brock. The Knoxville Utilities Board will have information available, as will Solar Alliance.

To RSVP or for more information, contact Tennessee IPL’s Courtney Shea at or 865-387-7466.

Anne Brock is marketing coordinator for Solar Alliance. She can be reached at: 865-221-8349 or