News good and bad from Nashville.
Good: State Rep. Eddie Mannis passed his first bill as a member of the Tennessee General Assembly and the House Republican Caucus. House Bill 84 passed unanimously on Monday, March 8, with 94 votes. Bad: It didn’t mean much – just a housekeeping bill from the administration.
Good: Mannis’ election as a vote-counting deputy whip and his selection to carry an administration bill show acceptance from his House colleagues. Bad: Mannis is willing to take a stand on principle, such as his letter of caution on a bill to single out transgender youth, and that’s not a safe place in these hyper-partisan times.
News from
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Mailers: We publish a monthly newspaper, mailing it to targeted communities across Knox County. I’ve told advertisers from Day One – it’s hard to gauge the efficacy of online advertising, but we know what works – the U.S. mail.
The deadline is Friday, March 19, for this month’s mailer – which will go to a portion of ZIP 37914, inside the city. The East Knox business district is making a comeback – which will be accelerated by construction of a baseball stadium near the Old City. Teens need close-to-home places to work with entrepreneur role models. supports communities all over town. We won’t just sell ads and print fluff. OK. So, we obviously have ads and advertorials. Maybe we have a bit of fluff, and even some snark. But on our best days we’re about community building and recognition of special individuals who make our town a better place.
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Sandra Clark is editor/CEO of Knox TN Today.