All have not yet embraced entertainment district

Marvin Westwestwords

Surprise, surprise, even with all the excitement surrounding the Tennessee Entertainment District and the forthcoming boutique hotel, The Danny Whitehouse, not everybody has booked an October weekend.
When I turn up …

Notes that just won’t wait …

Marvin Westwestwords

Happy birthday and a tip of my complimentary orange cap to Jim Haslam.
At 93 he is the oldest former Volunteer football player and, in my mind, the most generous contributor …

Big game in town: Georgia Southern 0-9

Marvin Westwestwords

This is “weird week” in the Tennessee basketball season.
Rick Barnes, from time to time, has praised enthusiastic fans for making a lot of noise at Food City Center and helping …

We are co-sponsors of Cheez-It Citrus Bowl

Marvin Westwestwords

I just checked the pantry. We have one box of Cheez-Its, white cheddar, on standby. I suppose that makes us co-sponsors of the Citrus Bowl.
Bring on the holiday season.
Oops, we …

We live in different worlds

Marvin Westwestwords

Good championship game, Alabama over Georgia, knock-down-and-drag-out intensity, end of the Bulldogs’ winning streak. Bragging will drop off.
Good break for the Southeastern Conference, the playoff selection committee got it right. …

Horrendous half, astounding comeback

Marvin Westwestwords

New version of halftime optimism: Things can’t get any worse.
North Carolina overwhelmed the highly regarded Tennessee defense with 61 first-half points and looked as if it might set a world …