Leila Howell: Alumni volunteer extraordinaire

Lesli Bales-SherrodOur Town Neighbors

Leila Howell has won the 2020 Peggy Wilson Volunteer Alumni Award at Pellissippi State Community College, sponsored and announced this year by Discovery Inc. This honor highlights an outstanding graduate in recognition …

Mission of Hope adapts to changes

Beth KinnaneOur Town Neighbors

As with other area non-profits, Knoxville’s Mission of Hope has had to bob and weave its way through the COVID-19 pandemic and adjust fire on normal operations. The familiar blue …

Breast Connect: You’ve got a friend

Beth KinnaneOur Town Neighbors

This plea appeared on Facebook in early July: “Local breast cancer patient needs a translator. She is from Guatemala and speaks Q’anjob’al. Can anyone help?” The post originated from a …