Wooden quilt

Jay FitzFountain City, Our Town Faith

Don Grogan poses with the wooden quilt that he made for Fountain City Presbyterian Church’s centennial in 2023. Most of the wood came from members of the church and some …

Faith on feet: The nuggets and pizza

Sandra ClarkOur Town Faith

It wasn’t the loaves and fishes, but some hardy volunteers multiplied small donations into special meals for the volunteers and residents at warming centers in Knoxville.
Nykky Harper had no idea …

Bailes is interim pastor at Macedonia UMC

Sandra ClarkOur Town Faith

Macedonia United Methodist Church faces change in 2024. The church at 4630 Holston Drive has lost its pastor, the Rev. Steven Hancock, who has relocated to Nashville.
In an announcement to …

Nativity Pageant is Knoxville tradition

Jay FitzOur Town Faith

Volunteers are preparing to celebrate the 55th year of the Nativity Pageant of Knoxville with a presentation of the traditional Christmas story of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.
Performances …