Our world today

Tom KingOpinion

What’s gone wrong with your country?
What’s gone wrong with my country?
What’s gone wrong with our country?
Overwhelming questions about an overwhelming collection of issues. And everyone today has their opinion and …

Children deserve our focus

Betsy PickleOpinion

It has been two days since an 18-year-old high-school dropout stormed into Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, barricaded himself in a classroom and started shooting an AR-15-style rifle, resulting …

Betsy Pickle: Embedded

Betsy PickleOpinion, South Knox

I have very little experience in writing about politics. My journalism career has leaned toward feature stories and entertainment criticism. I’m actually passionate about our government and how I think …

Sen. Massey pushes electronic billboard bill

Nick Della VolpeOpinion

Knoxville state Sen. Becky Massey is sponsoring a billboard industry sweetheart bill that creates a state override on local zoning decisions which regulate electronic billboards. It seems the philosophy underlying …

New year, different approach

Betsy PickleOpinion

I have a sketchy relationship with New Year’s resolutions.
When I was a teen and younger adult, I was devoted to the concept of setting up goals for self-improvement, starting on …

Please and thank you

Betsy PickleOpinion

For most people in this country, this is a special week. If you’re a Christian, this Saturday is the day set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ some …