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Sandra ClarkFeature

Websites like don’t happen by accident. It takes vision and hard work to present interesting/informative news. And it’s nice to get paid, too. That’s why the unsung heroes of …

Powell-based business gets UCOR award

Sandra ClarkFeature, Powell

Expoquip Inc. was named Small Disadvantaged Business of the Year by UCOR of Oak Ridge. The company was recognized at the UCOR Small Business Award Breakfast on Aug. 15 at …

Get Out & Play: In your neighborhood

Carol EvansFeature

Did you know the national average for the percentage of residents who live within a 10-minute walk of a park is 54 percent? Knoxville is just shy at 49 percent …

Recode Knoxville can bring big changes

Nick Della VolpeFeature

“Let’s rewrite the entire zoning code—all 200 pages of it, hold a few 1-hour public information/input meetings, and then ram it home before the Christmas break.”
That seems to be the …

Services set for Neva McNeely

Sandra ClarkFeature, Powell

The last remaining member of The Mehaffey Sisters trio is dead.
Geneva Lillian Mehaffey McNeely, a lifelong resident of Powell, passed away Aug. 21 at her home. For more than 30 …