Knox Asian Fest celebrates beauty, diversity

Missy ZaloudekFeature

Knox Asian Fest hit downtown Knoxville Aug. 26. It was a gorgeous afternoon for the event which began on Market Square, but the fun and festivities spread far through the …

Photography show finds the spirit

Harold DuckettFeature, Our Town Arts

The gallery at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church currently features the work of photographers Althea Murphy-Price and Gary Heatherly.
Their work raises interesting questions about when are photographs art.
Greek philosopher Aristotle …

Services today for Richard O’Brien

Sandra ClarkFarragut, Feature

Richard H. O’Brien, 85, of Farragut, passed away Aug. 22 and will be honored at 2 p.m. today (8/27) at East Tennessee State Veterans’ Cemetery, 5901 Lyons View Pike.
He was …

How you start or how you finish

Marvin WestFeature, westwords

I don’t know but I’ve been told that how you start isn’t as important as how you finish. That could apply to a story, a fishing trip or a lifetime.
Tennessee …

Wing Ding ahead

Sandra ClarkFeature

The folks at Visit Knoxville have announced the return of the gold wings. The Gold Wing Road Riders Association plans its 40th annual convention “Wing Ding” Aug. 28-Sept. 1 at …