Food City gets Angus beef award

Betsi JamesFeature

Food City was recognized as the Retailer of the Year by the Certified Angus Beef brand for leadership in product quality, marketing and sales. The award was presented at the brand’s annual …

Lee names Knox Countians to state boards

Sandra ClarkFeature

Gov. Bill Lee announced more than 100 appointments to state boards and commissions this week:  TN Boards and Commissions Appointments 9.30.19. Seven were from Knox County:
Board of Pharmacy – Dr. …

Munching through the food show

Sandra ClarkFeature

The Food City Food Show is an experience like no other. First, you pay $10 and ride down two escalators to get to the cavernous basement of the Knoxville Convention …

Midnight Madness today

Betsi JamesFeature

Great bargains at area Food City stores. And come see us this weekend at the Food City Food Show.
Specials at Food City_9.27 Knox ROP

Atkinson says USA ‘a country born in bickering’

Nick Della VolpeFeature

Pulitzer Prize winning author Rick Atkinson spoke to a packed house Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church, an event sponsored by the East Tennessee Historical Society.  His new book, “The British …

City Council expresses concern over gun violence

Larry Van GuilderFeature

A resolution expressing “concern” that gun shows may be conducted within city facilities won supermajority approval, 8-1, at Knoxville City Council Tuesday night. The resolution, a “sense of the council” …

Leaders, leaders everywhere

Sandra ClarkFeature

Leadership Knoxville has announced its 2020 class. I know about one-third of those chosen.
Justin Bailey: My friend from Powell and a key corporate partner in Justin bought his parents’ …