This image was in my mind as the mountains called me for one of my first photography-specific excursions. The fall colors were my target with Big Creek as my destination to find them.

Big Creek lies in the much less visited eastern edge of Great Smoky Mountain National Park, just beyond the commercial rafting centers near the Tennessee/North Carolina border. Big Creek is a boulder-strewn stream originating near the Appalachian Trail and the top of 6,621 foot Mt. Guyot. It tumbles 4,000 feet to Walnut Bottoms then follows a gentler path paralleling an old logging railroad bed for several miles.

After about two miles hike up from the picnic area, I headed off-trail for 50 yards, literally pushing my way through a Rhododendron thicket where I crawled out into this scene. This is actually multiple shots stitched together in Photoshop and was my very first large panoramic.

After 80,000 images, a camera upgrade and multiple new lenses, this early photo is still my favorite. A wider version hangs in my office where “Big Creek” gives me a smile every time I turn my chair. Stop by our studio in the Emporium on First Friday to see the full 24 x 48 canvas wrap print.

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week strive to share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville where you can stop and see their work. Check ahead to see when they will be there, as they may be off looking for more inspiration. Their website is Email them at If a particular piece interests you for your home or office, please contact them. All works are copyright protected.