As Anthony Lamb approaches his 37th year in Christian education, he credits his God-given personal mission statement as the driving force behind the long tenure: Building Champions for God, Family and Country. He says, “My mission has always been to help guide students to embrace their purpose for Christ, their families and their country, so they can fulfill the plan God has for their lives.”

Lamb began his journey as a child from a broken home, full of challenges, but the decision of his parents to enroll him in a Christian school during his middle and high school years formed the character of the man who would lead others. He recounts how those pivotal years were spent at Bible Baptist Church and School in Savannah, Georgia, and despite his struggles to conform, he saw God work through the love and guidance of his teachers, coaches and pastors to help him find his purpose.

“It was through my passion for athletics and the profound impact my coaches had on me that I felt God’s calling to enter Christian education. I wanted to have the same positive influence on the next generation of students.”

Following high school, Lamb continued to grow in his conviction as he attended Pensacola Christian College. Again, he credits the mentors placed in his life from his basketball coach to inspiring educators.

A conversation with his mother during college solidified his desire to help students, especially those who are facing challenges. It has been a conversation he continues to remember. She asked him whether he believed in the biblical principle of sowing and reaping and then warned that since he had been such a challenging student, he might end up with students who would challenge in the same way.

Throughout his ministry as an athletic director and school administrator, Lamb says he has been blessed with the opportunity to help grow and develop five different Christian schools across three states—Colorado, Georgia and Tennessee. He counts it a privilege to be part of many successful educational initiatives and campus development projects. Despite his success as a coach for over 30 years, experiencing his teams winning state football and basketball championships, he says the greatest reward has been witnessing how his work has impacted students and athletes — just as others once impacted him. “I’ve always believed that sports fields and courts serve as God’s laboratory for developing character.”

Finishing his ninth school year at Grace Christian Academy is a story of two distinct chapters in his journey. From 2004 to 2009, he served as the athletic director and head boys’ basketball coach, along with serving on the leadership team that helped build the high school and athletic fields. His basketball teams were the first at GCA to qualify for the state tournament in 2008 and 2009. The second chapter was a return to GCA in 2020 to teach life science and currently serve as the middle school principal.

Lamb is not only a dedicated educator but a dedicated family man. He and his wife, Kimberly, continued to seek wise counsel and feel blessed with the mentors who have guided them along the way. Learning from others who modeled the type of family life they desired, the couple sought to embrace solid principles they learned. Lamb recounts those.

First, we made everything a family affair, so when one of us was involved, we were all involved. Second, we intentionally avoided hobbies that took us away from one another by doing activities together — like going to the movies, antique shopping or exercising as a family. Another pivotal decision we made was to limit entertainment devices at home with only one television in the main room, and no electronics allowed in our bedrooms.

A validation of the Lambs’ parenting success was expressed by their daughters, Selena and Charlotte, who say how they loved the life they had growing up and feel incredibly lucky to be involved in so many exciting events and to have been part of something truly meaningful. Lamb says, “While we’ve always felt blessed, we knew they didn’t experience the luxuries that come with excess funds, like fancy vacations or indulgent perks. Their childhoods were marked by late nights at school, basketball camps and date nights with us.” Not only did the daughters’ express their appreciation, but Selena, the older daughter, hopes her children Adelaide, Charlotte and Truett will experience the same kind of belonging.

Two of Lamb’s greatest joys today is teaching alongside Selena, who graduated from GCA in 2009 and now teaches second grade at the school. He also is able to walk his two granddaughters, Adelaide and Charlotte, to their classrooms some mornings. He also revels in daughter Skylar’s success, graduating from Kennesaw State University with a degree in
communication and marketing where she now works as a Realtor and fundraising coordinator with The Mark Spain Company.

Looking back at his journey, Lamb feels gratitude and humility. Looking toward his future, he plans to continue serving and impacting others at Grace Christian Academy as long as he is able, along with being a “G-Dad” who’s always present in the lives of his grandchildren and maybe someday, great-grandchildren.

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