While you fill your kids’ Easter baskets, let me help you fill your own with something special.

Savannah Guthrie is mostly known for her role as the lead anchor on NBC’s Today Show. If you follow along with her at all, you know that she is a person of deep faith.


A few months ago, I read her book, Mostly What God Does. It is a delightful collection of essays written by Guthrie. She shares personal stories, but the point is not to shed light on herself, but rather point to God and the way He loves her. It is an honest collection of hopes, fears and doubts we all have as believers. I was deeply encouraged as I read through each essay. The reflections covered essentials in our faith hope, presence, grace, patience and gratitude just to name a few. If you are looking to feel encouraged but also be drawn closer to the heart of God, this is the book for you.


Now for the book that belongs in your child’s Easter basket. Guthrie has written a children’s book with a similar title and message: Mostly What God Does is Love You. The message is clear how wonderful that the same God who made all of creation, who directs the wind which way to blow, loves YOU! This is a message we cannot emphasize enough to young hearts. The beautiful illustrations support Guthrie’s kid-friendly language for an essential theological idea. I love how Guthrie also shares how we can be inspired by God’s love by loving those around us. She gives examples that are relatable to young readers. This is a book you want on your child’s book shelf to read over and over.


Erin Pate is a former elementary school teacher and mom to two littles who has a passion for sharing the love of reading. Follow her on Instagram @booksandsmiles for book recommendations, reading tips and learning ideas for the littles in your life.