Spring will soon be here and our local birds will again begin their courtship season. Join us as naturalist Stephen Lyn Bales explains bird courtship rituals and habits at this Zoom educational presentation on Thursday, Feb. 11, at 7 p.m. Did you know that the male birds claim their territory and attract the attention of female birds with their song quality, attentive behavior and bright plumage?

The program is sponsored by the UT Arboretum Society and the UT Forest Resources AgReseach and Education Center. You’ll learn that female cardinals look for the brightest red males to become their mates.

Registration for this free online event is required. The format for this program will be Zoom. To register go to: utarboretumsociety.org. You will be sent a link in your confirmation for program access.

Melanie Staten is a public relations consultant with her husband, Vince.