Through Dec. 20, the Knoxville Children’s Theatre presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” based on the popular novel by Barbara Robinson. In this hilarious Christmas classic, a couple struggling to put on a church Christmas pageant are faced with casting the most inventively awful kids in history, the Herdman kids. Go here for tickets and showtimes to get in on the fun and mayhem.

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In a virtual Christmas tour of the Tennessee Residence released this week, Maria Lee, wife of Gov. Bill Lee, unveiled a new county ornament collection created by artists across the state.

Lee partnered with the Tennessee Arts Commission to select an artist from each of Tennessee’s 95 counties to design an ornament that represented that county. Carol Robin King of Sevier County was among the artists selected for this project.

The original county ornament collection was first commissioned by Crissy Haslam in 2012. Those ornaments were displayed every holiday season during the Haslam administration. The new county ornament collection is viewable here.