Food City celebrates Thanksgiving with an array of specials designed for those who are cooking for the family. Here’s the ad: Food City_11.20 Knox ROP

The specials start today and will run through Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, at which time we will close our stores at 3 p.m. so the associates can enjoy a great meal with their family.

But for those who might zig-zag from the traditional meal, check out the recipe for these ShortCuts Grillers Fajitas.

Don’t forget two opportunities to help your neighbors in need:

Race Against Hunger will end Dec. 1. Customers can make a $1, $3 or $5 donation at checkout. Approximately six meals are provided for every dollar donated. Food City has hosted this event since 1992.

Customers who contribute using their ValuCard will be electronically entered to win their choice of a season race package at Bristol Motor Speedway or a $2,500 contribution made to the charity of their choice.

Friends & Pets in Need holiday food drive will run through Dec. 31. The drive will benefit local hunger relief organizations and animal shelters throughout our area. Specially marked bags containing non-perishable food items, as well as bags containing pet food products will be available for purchase for $10 (plus tax) at all area Food City locations. Customers pay at checkout and deposit them in the collection bins located at the front of the store. 100% of the products collected will benefit local hunger relief organizations and animal shelters throughout the region.

Betsi James is special events manager for Food City’s Knoxville and Chattanooga divisions.