During the debate on Wednesday, a fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head and stayed for two minutes. Twitter went wild, but one of the most interesting tweets came from Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul: “The deep state planted a bug on @VP. The illegal spying is really out of control.” Paul quickly got 22,100 retweets.

Sen. Kamala Harris vs. VP Mike Pence was the kick-off for the 2024 election, said James Carville, Bill Clinton’s former advisor. Lordy, we hope not.

If the Biden vs. Trump debate was uncivil and wild (and it was), then Wednesday’s debate was evasive and pedantic. Here’s hoping it was the last of this cycle. Future debates must have stronger moderators who insist on answers rather than evasion; time limits agreed upon and then enforced with a mute button.

Joe Biden’s campaign quickly offered a “Truth over Flies” swatter for $10, said it will be delivered within 14 days and then overprinted “Sold Out” within 24 hours. Biden is selling caps for $35 (white with red and blue rainbows) and buttons that read “I paid more taxes than Donald Trump,” $6 for a 2-pack.

Donald Trump’s campaign store is the most expansive. There are caps and shirts and socks and sunglasses ($12.88 with glasses case). And look at the hair on the Trumpy Bear. The price has been slashed from $78.99 to $39.99 with immediate shipping. Get your Christmas shopping done early.

Think sweet thoughts for the young poly sci majors who are toiling in obscurity, packing and shipping the swag.

For the dozen still-undecided voters out there, here’s my election advice. Early voting in Knox County starts Oct. 14. Get locations, times and a sample ballot here. Come with me to the nearest site on the first or second day. Vote. Then turn off Facebook. Turn off Fox News and MSNBC. Read a good book or walk in the woods and trust America. We’ll be OK.

Sandra Clark is editor/CEO of Knox TN Today.