Flame azalea, mountain laurel on Huskey Gap Trail

Tom HarringtonOur Town Outdoors

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024, Tom Harrington hiked the Huskey Gap Trail from Hwy. 441 to Huskey Gap. He found one group of Flame Azalea at peak bloom. It’s 1.8 miles up the trail and the colors are vivid. Read about the trail here. Here is the balance of his report:

Canadian Violet

  • Canadian Violet – Many + – Most at peak bloom but some beyond peak bloom.
  • Flame Azalea – One group – At peak bloom (so beautiful, vivid – 1.8 miles up the trail).
  • Galax – Some – Most past peak bloom but still some nice blooms.

Goats Beard

  • Goats Beard – Few – One at peak bloom – some past peak bloom and some just starting to bloom.
  • Golden Rod – (1) – Just starting to bloom (small).
  • Indian Cucumber Root – Few – Past peak bloom (about gone).
  • Large Bluets – Many + – Slightly past peak bloom.
  • Loosestrife – Few – Past peak bloom.
  • Milkweed – (4) – Just starting to bloom.
  • Mountain Laurel – Some – Past peak bloom (1.8 miles up the trail).
  • Wild Hydrangea – Many + – Close to being at peak bloom lower elevations – just starting to bloom higher elevations.
  • Wood Nettle – Some – Just starting to bloom.
  • Photos from photo file folder (not made today).
  • Should be a lot of Black Cohosh blooming soon (many budded along the trail).
  • Doll Eyes berries formed – still green – have not turned white yet.
  • White flower I have not identified yet (stay tuned).
  • Sections of the last mile of the trail becoming overgrown – insect spray recommended.

Tom Harrington is a regular hiker who reports on wildflowers in the Smokies.


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