Mick Wiest loved Oak Ridge; services Friday

Sandra ClarkAnderson, Obits

Merritt C. “Mick” Wiest Jr. passed away at home on May 6, 2024. He was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma brain tumor just weeks before and more recently with Leukemia (CCL). Mick was a proud native and resident of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. His parents moved here from North Dakota in 1943 to work on the Manhattan Project.

Mick graduated from Oak Ridge High School, the University of Houston (bachelor’s in environmental engineering) and the University of Tennessee (master’s in land use planning). Always interested in history, he was alarmed to see the unique story of Oak Ridge being lost to the demolition of the early war-era buildings. He and a small group of like-minded residents formed the Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation Association (ORHPA) in September 1999 where Mick served as president. He continued his environmental work after retiring from Y-12 as a consultant at Strata-G.

Mick is survived in death by his high school sweetheart and wife of 52 years, Teri Campbell Wiest, who taught gifted education in Oak Ridge Schools for over 30 years. The full obituary is here.

Mick requested that memorial donations be made to the ORHPA Ed Westcott statue project. Mick was eager to recognize the pivotal role Ed played in preserving Oak Ridge history via his remarkable photography. Send donations to ORHPA, 102 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (oakridgehistorymuseum.com).

The funeral will be held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 24, 2024, with Fr. Michael Woods officiating. His celebration of life will take place immediately after the funeral at the Oak Ridge History Museum, 102 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge.

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