Does Badger’s picture tell whole story?

Thomas Mabry - Honey Badger ImagesOur Town Arts

Rock Sprite Kitty Myers and Badger visited one of my galleries in Brevard, North Carolina, last weekend to prepare for the White Squirrel Festival this Memorial Day weekend. After we met with the lovely and talented Lorraine Skala, we found ourselves with a bit of time in the land of waterfalls.

So, what did we do? We went to visit and photograph the photogenic Courthouse Falls.

The hike was pleasantly short and the steps down made for easy going. It’s what happened when we were at the base of the falls that caught our attention.

One of my favorite waterfall compositions is to identify a focal point in the cascades below to lead the viewer up to the main event. This sometimes entails positioning the tripod in an awkward position close to the swiftly flowing water.

Badger’s face was in the viewfinder not six inches from the creek when we heard the sound of thunder reverberate through the Devils Courthouse Valley. Now a leisurely photo opportunity turned quickly into a rapid point and shoot and hasty gathering of gear and exit up the roots and steep terrain to the suddenly rain-drenched trail. We got out safe and sound but rather wet for our effort.

Fortunately, the photos turned out lovely. I don’t know how except maybe a lifetime of experience dealing with exigent circumstances prepared me for grace under pressure once again. I wasn’t prepared to swim through the rocks in a strong current.

Now, I will have another print to offer at the meet and greet. If you are in the area or want to be, you can find Badger at the appropriately named White Squirrel Shoppe on Friday, May 24, 4-7 p.m. at 6 W. Main Street in downtown Brevard. You can see my work displayed. We’ll have giveaways and complimentary beverages and no cover charge!

You’ll also hear stories of the “how we did it” like how Badger actually obtained the Courthouse Falls image. You’ll learn it’s what we live for!

Thomas Mabry – Honey Badger Images

Many of the HoneyBadgerImages are on display at


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