Curious about solar technology today? Wonder how it could work for your business? Upping your trade skills to understand how solar photovoltaics might fit with your next construction or real estate project? Know the difference between off-grid DIY and more conventional grid-tied, utility-approved systems? More than half the nation’s new electricity-generating capacity comes from solar, so this growing industry is overlapping with other business and trade work every day.

A free one-day Solar 101 class is coming up in May on the campus of Tennessee College of Applied Technology in Knoxville. Solar Alliance developed and teaches the class that qualifies for two hours of continuing education for licensed residential building contractors or real estate agents in Tennessee. The class is open as a public service to people inside or outside the TCAT organization.

This class begins with the basics of how and why solar is a useful tool for businesses, individuals and communities. It walks through the process to uncover myths and misconceptions about the solar industry. The class provides insight into what a business owner might look for when determining how investing in a PV asset would save on utility bills, potentially lower costly demand charges and add value plus energy independence. The hope is to elevate the level of understanding for professionals who might work together on various projects involving solar.

This class is offered Tuesday, May 21, from noon to 2 p.m. You may bring your own lunch. Please RSVP to or 865-221-8349 and plan on two hours of instruction time, plus optional demonstration time with a bonus question and answer session. Host TCAT Knoxville is located at 1100 Liberty Street. Outside guests for this class must register ahead to be on the guest list for the day of class.

Anne Brock is marketing coordinator for Solar Alliance, which designs and manages solar installation projects for large manufacturers and small businesses.