Karns Girl Scouts partner with Random Acts of Flowers

Susan EspirituKarns/Hardin Valley

The Karns Girl Scout troop of about 35 girls, ranging from Brownies through Ambassadors, may meet in Karns, but the girls are from Karns, Powell, Hardin Valley, Halls, Fountain City, Bearden, South Knoxville, Western Avenue and Gatlinburg.

In addition to their regular meetings, the very active troop completes at least one monthly community service project, one monthly hike and nine camping outings a year!

Girl Scouts opening packets of flower food, dumping them into tubs for volunteers that would be making arrangements

Connecting with the Random Acts of Flowers organization was this month’s community service project. RAF recycles donated flowers from grocery stores or arrangements from individuals and then distributes them to bring happiness to individuals in healthcare facilities.

This month, the troop had a vase drive, collecting 72 vases for the RAF organization, followed by volunteering to prep and organize the supplies to prepare the flowers for distribution.

 All of us have a story and I want to tell yours! Send them to susan@knoxtntoday.com


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