Tooling around town in a Volkswagen bug, festooned with Christmas decorations could happen anywhere. But if the paintjob yells 151,” Go Vols!”, she looks right at home in Knoxville. I could not help but smile when seeing this mobile decoration that, known from personal experience, will top out about 62mph.

Fourth on the list of best-selling cars, 23 million VW bugs were sold in the 81-year history of the manufacturing company dating back to the Third Reich. There is a high probability that readers have endured (aka ridden in) or even owned (aka repaired) a Bug. One sat in my own driveway for several years. Low cost, good gas mileage and easy to repair made it a great car for new drivers and in-town commuting. It kept me close to home base, taught me the skills of stick-shifting, minor car repair and handled well in the snow.

Painting this Christmas inspiration last week led to appreciation of the beautiful design and some nostalgic memories, of my red-orange Bug, Lucy. You may not know that due to the air-cooled engine, fast acceleration is the key to working the heater. Neither did the officer running radar. Ticket issued.

With the gift giving season upon us, consider the gift of art. There are so many local artists creating unique and beautiful things that cannot be found in the mall. Art gives every time someone sees it and supports local creators and small businesses.

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street where you can stop and see their work. Their website is All works are copyright protected.