The Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. That was so third-world.

Covid-19 with all its variants. It’s called 19 for a reason … and we’re all ready for it to leave.

The killing of Anthony Thompson Jr. in the bathroom at Austin-East High School. Where were school administrators? Never should have happened.

Knox County Republican Party efforts to take over Knoxville City Council by running candidates against all five incumbents, regardless of their record. It was an expensive, joyless affair that city voters rewarded with a goose egg. Incumbents 5, Challengers 0.

The shoddy treatment of Dr. Martha Buchanan, who resigned as director of Knox County Health Department and county health officer after opposition from Mayor Glenn Jacobs and a rowdy, maskless mob to her efforts to combat Covid. (Uh, that was her job.)


Tennessee Legislature butting in to say private businesses can’t enforce mask mandates on their employees and/or customers. It’s being litigated.

Tennessee Legislature gerrymandering House districts to eliminate five Democratic incumbents (with only 26 of 99 to start with). In Knox County, Reps. Gloria Johnson and Sam McKenzie will land in the same district.

Tennessee Legislature making school board races partisan. Do we really want a board chair whose role model is Mitch McConnell?

Tennessee Legislature chipping away at local autonomy on issues like guns in parks, Covid protocols in schools and (coming soon) elections.

Tennessee Legislature.

Retirements and reruns

Roy Arthur retired from Knox County Stormwater. He was cleaning up Beaver Creek before it was cool.

Judge Geoff Emery. He served 35 years on the bench – a record – and left with no known enemies.

KPD Chief Eve Thomas announced her retirement effective May 1, 2022. She was the city’s first female police chief, appointed by Mayor Madeline Rogero, and implemented officer-worn cameras and a co-responder program. A tough woman in a very tough job.

Former Sheriff Jimmy “J.J.” Jones will run against incumbent Sheriff Tom Spangler. Jones has sat out four years required by term limits. Let’s just call back Tim Hutchison and maybe exhume Bernard Waggoner Sr. and E.B. Bowles.

As Bud Armstrong lines up to challenge Clarence Eddie Pridemore, we ask: What do you call a night school law grad in Knoxville? Apparently, Chancellor Part II.


Bob Dole, 98, longtime Republican Senate leader from Kansas, candidate for president and vice president. He overcame serious injuries from World War II including limited use of his right arm and hand.

Colin Powell, 84, soldier, diplomat and U.S. Secretary of State during the first term of President George W. Bush.

Larry McMurtry, 84, who wrote the best Westerns including Pulitzer Prize-winning “Lonesome Dove.”

Ed Asner, 91, as Lou Grant he was every reporter’s ideal boss.

Zoo Knoxville lost three favorites: Wanto, 44, a western lowland gorilla; Jimmy the lion, 15; and Barley, 10, a Narragansett turkey and the unofficial mascot of Kids Cove.

Most of all

Tornados. Random, scary and sometimes deadly.

Sandra Clark is editor/CEO of Knox TN Today.